Feb 11, 2013

Peace, Love, & a little STRESS

One would think that putting on the Winter Jazz Festival would be pretty stress free... LIES. I have never been so stressed.

They are currently playing their last song which means I can almost pack up... almost.

I have found that communication between the on campus organizations and my work is pretty much nonexistent. Everyone wants to be in charge and no one wants to be in charge all at the same time. It kills ME!!!

But, all things considered everything went well. Our guest Delfeayo Marsalis was incredible!

After a long couple of days I got to stand with this Jazz Legend. Not to shabby! :) He said if I am ever in New Orleans I have a tour guide.

The Kirkham Auditorium seats around 900.

Work is challenging but also comes with some serious highs!

Glitz and Glam!

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