Sep 19, 2014

Peace, Love, & Senior Year!!!

For those of you that haven't been following me recently. It is my senior year here at BYU-Idaho. I CANNOT believe it is actually happening and that I will graduate in April. I never thought I would have a college degree. I tried the whole college thing and decided it was not for me. It's kind of a miracle that I ever came back to school. It may have taken rock bottom for me to get back here but I would not change that for anything.

I am super stoked to already be done with my senior project. That makes this semester SO much easier! It's back the the grind of things. I am doing the usual: Classes, Work, Church, and attempting to have a social life.

Tonight is the first concert of the semester. I am excited to kick things off with 'We Are The Strike' since it has been just over two weeks since I have worked with them. So fun!

Here is to the end of an era. ;P May senior year pass by quickly!

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