Jan 13, 2013

Peace, Love, & COLD!!!!

Well, it's been in the NEGATIVE degrees here and instead of letting myself get depressed and never leaving my bed I have made a pact to be active and to get out.

Rexburg just opened a cable park for snowboarders/skiers. It's exactly like a wake boarding set up. You hold on to a rope and go over jumps. It's actually pretty cool to have so close.

The Cable Park had a big grand opening event with a showcase of riders and a dance. Only problem... it was below zero. I was wearing all my snowboarding gear except for my snow boots. My feet lost all feeling not long after being there. It was pretty legit though.

I invited a bunch of people and we made a group date/night of it.

Close up view of the course.

Our source of warmth!

Lauren and I! :) Roomies!

Cameron, Lauren, Me, Kenny

Steve, Me, Brittney, Kenny, Lauren

Rod and I.


It was actually really fun... until my feet started to de-thaw and I wanted to CRY!

Glitz and Glam!

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