Sep 6, 2013

Peace, Love, & Transitions

I can't believe I am about to leave Boise. It seems like I was just getting ready to come here for the summer. It's been great to spend time with my parents. To go biking every morning with my Mom- especially when I really didn't want to get out of bed. To help my Dad with his cars. To eat my big sis Liz's food. ;) And to swim in the pool with my nieces and nephews... among lots of other things. The time has come to head to LA for one last 'hurrah' before a tough semester.

I haven't been to LA for a few years now and that just seems wrong. I was going to move there after I graduated from Cosmetology school. To be close to Andy. Sometimes I wonder "what if" I had actually moved there. (For those of you who remember Andy- he's married now and obvi- not to me.) Well, I can tell you one thing- my life would not be what it is today. And I am forever grateful I chose the east coast instead! Anyway, my reason for going down memory lane was to remember them one last time before I go make new memories!

I am going to stay with my roomie Caitlin, and her family and one of our other roommates- Mary will be there too! I am excited to have some fun moments with them and to maybe see a few other friends while I am there. Majority of my friends in the entertainment industry live in LA. So fingers crossed some of them are in town and I get to see them! Don't worry, I'll keep you posted! :)

I don't even know what I intended when I started this post, first was to talk about transitions and the fact that it is back to school time AGAIN. And second, was to try to describe just how much I don't want to go back to school and how much I do at the same time! ;) Yeah, I am still as fickle as ever.

Cheers to another week before the madness begins!

SIDENOTE: I renewed my cosmetology license today- it's been over two years! How did that happen?


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