Mar 12, 2014

Peace, Love, & The Last Night.

As mentioned in the prior post- I am in Boise. For my last night in Rexburg I had a show for work and then hung out with my bestie, Brandy. She and I are inseparable. Which is really weird because we are both such independent people. I know she was brought into my life for a reason! But before I get too mushy... just know I love her. Here are some of our adventures!

I would just like to point out that Brandy was snapchatting me- while I was snapchatting. :)

Work. Setting up the reception for the meet and greet after the concert.

I sold a lot of merch for them! :)

Home from work!!! Let the fun begin.

First lets pack my car...

This might be the ONLY good photo of the two of us. I am not sure how that is possible.

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