I had an awesome opportunity this past weekend to attend General Conference. This is a Semi-Annual Conference where the Prophet and other leaders in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints speak to us. There are 6 different sessions in all. A Women's Session, Priesthood Session (for the men), and then two Saturday sessions and two Sunday sessions. I have always watched the broadcast of these sessions I have never actually been able to be in the 21,000 seat Conference Center until last Sunday. I attended the Sunday morning session. I was not just attending though. I was able to be in the Media Room. This is the business side of the church. Some of the media represented were: KSL, Deseret News, AP, along with other Press. It was fascinating to see them at work. Live tweeting, live blogging, and taking photos or video of the session. The media are all given copies of each talk beforehand so they can have that as a reference. It was almost as if we were in boxed seats at a football game. Obviously a little different but in reality we were in a room just above the Plaza Level(the floor seats). There was just windows separating us from the rest of the people there. It was cool to be able to see that side of things, most people never get to see or even realize that so much goes into the PR for the church. Incredible.

Oh and they totally had awesome snacks for us to eat during the session! :)
AND a divine lunch with a chicken salad sandwich! SOOOOO GOOD!
If you are interested in what was said at the different sessions look
here. Any and ALL are welcome to listen to the words spoken. It is one of my favorite times of the year because I am able to truly dive into what has been said and the advice given. It is a pick me up and a reassurance that I am where I need to be. It is great to get guidance from these great Men and Women.
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