Mar 26, 2015

GOOD NEWS, it's a miracle!!!

The irony... one day after blogging about networking for an internship I have a testimonial of it actually working!

I got an internship offer today from Deseret Book. I had interviewed with Deseret Book last week. I had been waiting to hear from them in great anticipation. I have been dying to have a plan for after graduation- which is a short two weeks away!

I got a phone call today informing me that I did not get the Product Marketing Internship I had applied for. Which was a huge letdown because it was all I had going for me. Everything else had fallen to the wayside.

The woman who called me told me the two gentleman I had interviewed had passed my name onto her with a glowing recommendation from the interview. She offered to hire me without any questions. The position is Social Media PR Internship. I will be working on social media, assisting with social media campaigns, EVENTS , and contests. It couldn't get any better for me and what I want to do!

I had applied for that internship as well and hadn't heard anything back so I assumed they had already filled the position. Or they didn't want to interview me.

You must give 100% to everything no matter what. The Product Marketing Internship was not my first choice but it was the best thing I had on my plate. When you put yourself in the right places and try your hardest it will work out. It was the impression I made in my interview that put me where I am today with an internship that is a perfect fit. I am so excited!

I will be moving to SLC, UT once again! Can't wait to see what opportunities this internship brings to the table! I am excited to do what I love and continue learning through a new company!
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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!,, how exciting to have a job Before you graduate. So keep us on your list and let us know of some fun events coming up.


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