Jul 6, 2015

FYI- Big News!

Wow! Well, there is no excuse for my lack of attention and lack of apparent care for my blog! I realized something, when all you do at work is schedule posts for social media, you tend to avoid it like the plague when you get home. So managing a corporation's social media has really made me lack enthusiasm for my own!

My internship has taught me so much! I love my team and I am a little sad to say that my time with Deseret Book is coming to an end.



After spending months applying to jobs and hoping something would work out, it did, in the most unexpected way. I was recruited for the position! They reached out to me and it all happened within a few days! I will be working for Young Living- a Global Essential Oils Corporation- as an Event Planner! I am SO excited for this to be my first step into the career world! I will be able to travel a lot and that is just so exciting!

Now, there are a thousand questions streaming through my brain... mainly, where do I live? My office will be located in Lehi, UT so that leaves me with several options. Mostly, I don't want to commute in bumper to bumper traffic through construction zones. I also need to factor in that I like the friends I am slowly starting to meet and talk to where I am. I am just now talking to the people I have wanted to talk to from my first day at church. Do I really want to start that all over again?!? The answer is no.

With the big girl job comes the big girl decisions and responsibilities! I am trying to make those choices before I start work in 2 weeks! My diploma won't come until maybe a month after starting this job! I can't believe it all worked out the way it did! I have always been taught to trust in the Lord and this is a great example of why. I was so nervous I would have no prospects after graduation and I would have to move home and take whatever job came my way.

I am excited for the new adventures to be had and can't wait to get settled into my new professional life!
Now comes the faith, trust, and work to know how to answer the remaining questions! 
Wish me luck!

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1 comment:

Make my day... leave me a message. I hate to think I am just talking to hear myself talk. :P