Jun 12, 2016

Lake Powell= Life Rejuvenation

Lately my life has been dominated by work, which if you've been following my work travels, you probably already know. At the end of January, as I was scrolling through my facebook feed an LDS singles trip to Lake Powell popped up as an event some of my friends were interested in. I jumped on it and paid for my spot on the trip. Over the last month or so, I debated selling my spot and not going a dozen times. I didn't want to miss work- since I don't know how to take a vacation for myself. And I would be going alone. To paint a picture for you, it would be 40 girls and 40 guys, two houseboats, a "tent city", speed boats, and 4 days at Lake Powell. EVERYTHING about that sounded heavenly, other than not having a group of friends to join me.

Reality= I didn't need to bring friends. I made tons of new friends. This last week was one of the best weeks of my life and not for any of the reasons that seem obvious. It goes beyond that. I received a lot of clarity on my life and had some introspective moments.
I have lived in Utah for over a year now and I have realized one really sad thing... I have no friends.

BEFORE you all try to disagree or get offended- let me clarify. (I was being slightly dramatic.) I am used to having at least one friend who knows everything, who is my second half, who I see every day and never go out without her by my side. The kind of person you know you don't have to make plans with, it is just automatically assumed you will be together. I don't have that.

Let me tell you what I do have:
Friends who invite me every once in awhile to the group things.
Friends who I can have surface level conversations with (how was your week/end type convos).
Acquaintances who care about my latest work trip.
Coworkers who I spend most of my time with and can chat with.
And the few friends I can always call when I need someone no matter what time it is!
The friends who it doesn't matter how long it's been since you talked, you can pick right back up where you left off!

AND yes, I know friendship is a two-way street and I have been traveling so much for work that I haven't done my part for keeping up those friendships or creating them. I have a new goal after this most recent vacay to Lake Powell(with 70 something strangers) to start pursuing that type of "best" friend relationship. This simply means, I am going to try my best to be the friend I want to have.

This week I met incredible people all with incredible stories. Each person had a different story but we were able to bond and I was able to see life through a different lens. Each person inspired me with what they had experienced in life to bring them to the same place I was- on a beautiful boat named Atlas at Lake Powell in Padre Bay.

Isn't she a beaut? Picture stolen from Aaron. :)
I was reminded of my dreams on this trip and encouraged to reach for them again. It was refreshing to be me. Authentically me and to not be worried about anything. Unless I had to pee in the middle of the night. I worried about that. ;)

Lake Powell left me...
Bronzed. :)
Slightly sore.

I am so glad I made it a priority in my life to go on this trip, meet new friends, take time off from work, and enjoy the beauty of nature. I needed it more than I realized- for my own sanity.

Here's to many more trips like this one!!!

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  1. I am grateful I was able to meet you on this trip! We didn't have many conversations but I really enjoyed your presence and the vibes I got from you! You are incredible and truly helped make my trip amazing!!

  2. It was so amazing to get to know you on this trip!!! I find it hard to believe that you didn't have many close trips before this trip.....and impossible to believe that you won't have many more after it!! You are an absolute gem and someone i'm looking forward to getting to know even better!!!


Make my day... leave me a message. I hate to think I am just talking to hear myself talk. :P