Dec 26, 2012

Peace, Love, & Christmas

Nothing like a great holiday to remind you of what you wish you had. And seriously, I mean it. I have been constantly reminded how important family is and the love and joys family brings. It took me realizing all my sisters have their own lives now. We no longer all sleep in the same room on Christmas Eve and try to catch Santa. They are now all creating that joy and those memories for their own kids. It's incredible to watch them as Moms... Each one of them so different and each one of them so great. I admire and look up to all my sisters. That is one perk of being the baby. I get to watch and learn from them. This Christmas has been very simple and rather emotional for me. I have been able to look back over the last year and to last Christmas and see that I have grown SO much. An unmeasurable amount. The song "Last Christmas" Is an almost perfect example of my Christmas last year. See my recovery process for yourself here... SO LAST YEAR.

I escaped life last year at a much needed time. Now, Well- I have nothing to escape. Only things to remind me and encourage me what I am working towards. I've come a long way in my recovery process so far... I'd say I've done a pretty good job shaping up and overcoming some serious life changes. I am so lucky to have such an awesome support system and to be so blessed for the decisions I have made!

Thank you. I am forever grateful for this year and the things I have learned! I started this year off so glamorously that it only makes sense that I was preparing myself to work with Bill Cosby! :) This years been real good! :D Here is to continuing on in these dreams and goals. One day I will have a family of my own when the time is right! One thing at a time. One year at a time. I've got some more, uh... physical goals this year. I have focused a lot on my mental and spiritual goals this last year and I think I finally have those manageable so, I can add my physical goals in now! :)

Christmas is a wonderful time of year and I have always loved it until recent years when I distanced from my own family or was going through a rough breakup. This year was one of the first times I really cared and that made me realize I was a lone wolf. ha! At least there were a lot of little kids and babies around to keep me company. They are almost as good as dogs! ;P

Merry Christmas


1 comment:

Make my day... leave me a message. I hate to think I am just talking to hear myself talk. :P